Why I became a Metabolic Balance® Health Coach
As I explained in My Story, my gut issues have been my primary health concern for most of my life. I never had to worry about hormones or fertility. My carbohydrate cravings were my biggest issue around food, other than all those foods that were triggered by the gut. I was a stress head but learning how to manage that better and better each year. I was gut focused and felt great otherwise.
I have dieted off and on over the years – usually driven by stress, pregnancies, and getting lazy. But each time, I found that once I got the food right and exercised regularly, I could shift the weight easily over time. Totally manageable.
Until about 4 years ago that is. At this point, my hormones started to change, subtly at first. I only really see this looking back. The biggest issues were around sleep, occasional changes in mood and weight gain. I did not have the erratic periods nor hot flushes typical of perimenopause.
My body shape was really changing
The weight was no longer sitting on my hips and bottom but on my gut, both above and below the belt. And it would not shift. I tried all my usual tricks for two years. I ate well, I exercised regularly. Nothing changed, if anything the weight just continued to pile on.
I was incredibly frustrated at this point. Especially, as I kept thinking, I should know who to manage my weight, I am a naturopath for crying out loud.
The good news, my gut health was and is excellent.
I took my own advice and hired a health coach. A less than ideal experience, although I did manage to shift 3 kilos in 3 months, although I am pretty sure I lost and gained about 10 kilos overall. I was still frustrated as it was a phenomenal amount of time and effort to shift those 3 kilos. And my stress levels were high as a result.
I will be honest, I was desperate. I hated how I looked and felt something needed to change, drastically.
So I started Metabolic Balance® with a wise, generous, and calm naturopath. I was sceptical at first, I had to make some serious changes to the way I ate and what I ate. But honestly, I had no other option at this point. This was it, I had to make it work. So, I did!
After two weeks, I noticed that my gut was flatter and my nails were stronger.
After three weeks, I started to really notice how good food tasted. Pumpkin was the softest, sweetest food ever!
I also lost 3 kilos. 3 kilos in less than 3 weeks! I started to get more optimistic.
My energy levels improved.
I was eating the healthiest I had I ever eaten, ever. I looked forward to my apple each day.
I realised how bad coffee was for my mood and sleep.
The weight continues to drop around half a kilo each and every week.
More importantly, I started to like what I see in the mirror again. I wore a sleeveless shirt at the beach for the first time in more than 10 years.
I feel like I am in control of what I eat. I am in control of my weight. I am in control, feeling stronger and leaner more and more each day.
I also know I have the skills now to manage my weight for the rest of my life. Will I be perfect? No of course not, but I have a plan to know how to monitor, reset and maintain my weight.
My ongoing journey in weight loss is why I became a Metabolic Balance® Health Coach and created my Strong and Lean program – more details here.
Don’t wait any longer, you can shift your weight. You simply need a better plan, a Metabolic Balance® plan.
Get in touch today if you’d like more information.