My Favourite Supplements - Keeping It Simple
Here are a few of my favourite supplements - ones that I think most people would benefit from taking. Of course, a person's medications, medical hist and goals would need to be considered.
What are you willing to work for?
Explores some key questions you should ask yourself when you are setting goals.
Blood tests - More than Meets the Eye
People will tell me that their doctor has said these results are normal and no further action is needed. So why would I need to review them as well? Here are four main reasons…
Food Intolerance Testing- Other Benefits
Explores 4 other reasons to get a food intolerance test - other than to minimise digestive, skin and sinus symptoms.
Stress - A Tale of Two Undies
Explores how the state of my underwear drawer highlights a key way that we may increase our own stress levels.
The Pitfalls of Testing
As a huge proponent of testing, I wanted to explore some of the pitfalls of testing, especially when done without proper guidance and support.
The Plate Method - Making Food Easy Again
A health hack - using The Plate Method is great starting point to improve the quality fo food you eat at each meal.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome - My Thoughts
Exploring IBS and the different types but also some concerns I have over how it is diagnosed and managed. Some recommendations on how to manage IBS are provided as well.
Acne - an endurance event
Exploring the 5 potential causes of acne, which I consider to be a bit of an endurance event in healing.
Stress and gut function
Explores the two key ways that stress affects gut function and health.
Fix the day to fix the night
Looking at how your stress levels and activities during the day affect your ability to sleep at night.
Who is taking care of you?
Recommendations on how to best take care of yourself so that you can look after those in your life.